Here you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions by Eklund Foundation applicants. For instructions on how to apply, please see this page.

When can I apply?
Applications are accepted during the month of May every year.

For how much funding can I apply?
The total sum allocated will be communicated on eklundfoundation.org in March every year.

Within what fields of research can I apply?
The Eklund Foundation welcomes experimental as well as clinical studies in all fields of dentistry. Projects that can be related to periodontology, implantology, and cariology will be prioritised.

For how long will the grant be disbursed?
The grant is a one-time disbursement, which must be requisitioned within two years after the notification date.

We are a team of researchers working together. Can there be more than one applicant?
One main applicant must be stated, but there may be one or more co-applicants.

Does it matter from what country I apply?
Eklund Foundation welcomes applicants from any university or location, also multiple locations of applicants.

When will the grant recipients be informed or announced?
All main applicants will receive an information email in September/October in the year of application. The granted projects will also be announced on eklundfoundation.org.  

I haven’t received any email notification. What do I do?
Occasionally, confirmation emails are misclassified as spam. Please make sure that you accept emails from stiftelsesupport.malmo@seb.se. You can also contact us by this email address if you still have questions. You may also check eklundfoundation.org for announcements.

Can I apply for salary, travel, or other indirect/overhead costs?
If your application includes funding for travel or salary expenses or other costs, these must be especially justified and specified.

Is there a due date for the project to start or a maximum duration of the project?
No. However, applicants must submit an annual report to update the foundation on their progress. This report should be submitted every December, starting the year after their application and continuing until the final report is submitted. Once the study is complete, applicants must inform the foundation and submit a letter of attestation confirming that the financial funding was exclusively used for the project. If any part of the grant remains unused, the remaining funding must be returned to the foundation.

What applicants need to submit a CV?
We would prefer all applicants, including co-applicants, to submit their CVs but for main applicants it is a basic requirement. For any questions, please contact stiftelsesupport.malmo@seb.se.